Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Questions and discussions about operating Tru-Traffic

Moderator: bullock

Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby DVielkanowitz » Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:22 pm

My arterial diagrams are now missing all relevant data along the bottom of the window. Not sure if it is related to being upgraded to Win10 last week. This is the first time using TruTraffic since upgrade. Could be a resolution thing?

Also can not open each intersection to view timing information.
TruTraffic Arterial.jpg
TruTraffic Arterial.jpg (482.29 KiB) Viewed 37193 times
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Re: Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby bullock » Sat Feb 08, 2020 3:58 pm

Oh, dear. That's annoying. And a new one on me.

Please verify (in View: Preferences: Colors) that the color for Intersection Names is black or at least not white.
FontColors.png (34.13 KiB) Viewed 37191 times

Also, please confirm (View: Arterial Diagram: Font) that the selected font is visible within that dialog -- that it's a font actually available and that the size exceeds one pixel.
FontChoice.png (25.31 KiB) Viewed 37191 times

If all that checks out, please send the .Dgm file to me.

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Re: Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby DVielkanowitz » Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:55 pm

Everything checks out. Interestingly, some arterial diagrams show the road names and other info, but some do not?
AM PEAK test.Dgm
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Re: Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby bullock » Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:52 am

Thank you.

Alas, I'm not yet able to reproduce the problem. On my Windows 10 machine, the intersection names appear in every one of the arterial timing diagrams in that file.

Would you send me, or upload, some entries from your user preferences (View: Preferences: Save)? Please include at least the four checked items shown in the figure, but feel free to toss in anything that strikes your fancy.

Separately, can you identify any pattern to which diagrams show the text and which don't? For example, does it matter what the zoom level is for a diagram? Or whether the diagram image exceeds the size of its window (so scroll bars appear or don't)? Does anything change when you
  • resize the window, or
  • change the zoom level, or
  • turn off the distances, or
  • adjust the number of staggered lines showing the intersection names?

TruTrafficPreferences.png (11.77 KiB) Viewed 37188 times
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Re: Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby DVielkanowitz » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:40 pm

Let me check with my IT Dept first. A coworker says he remembers the same happening to him after Win7 to Win10 upgrade on his laptop. Says something in the Windows Fonts did not convert and our IT Dept corrected his laptop. Thanks for you time so far. I'll update the thread after contacting IT.
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Re: Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby DVielkanowitz » Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:30 pm

It was in fact a Win10 installation error...something went wrong with the Fonts during the upgrade. I think a font or two were missing from my computer, which would not allow them to appear in TruTraffic. IT has corrected this issue. Feel free to remove/relocate this topic if it has no value.

Sorry for the unnecessary stress.
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Re: Diagrams missing intersection names/distances/etc...

Postby bullock » Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:41 pm

Thank you for the follow up. Glad you were able to resolve it.

Posts like this, that end with some sort of resolution, have great value in my opinion. If a problem happens to one person, it's likely to happen to others. And if those others happen to find a related post like this, it saves everybody time and effort. So thank you, and I will not remove this topic. :)

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