Hi, Arjun.
That's a good suggestion, to display somewhere (in the Trip Log Properties) the Trip Log's recorded Signal Cycle Start Time. Thank you. I'll add that to an upcoming version.
If you and your colleague are using the same *.Dgm file, then she can set the Signal Cycle Start Time for her Trip Logs by selecting them in the GPS View (using the Shift or Ctrl keys to highlight all of them), then right-clicking on the selection and choosing Signal Cycle Start Time: <the applicable timing plan>.
If that's not an option, then at present, you can view the recorded Signal Cycle Start Time only if the clocks in the *.Dgm file are still synched as they were when you recorded the trip log -- that is, provided the clocks have not been resynched since recording the trip log. If that's still the case, then you may see that trip log's Signal Cycle Start Time in GPS View: Clocks after switching to the appropriate timing plan. Indeed, that will still show the Signal Cycle Start Time of all trip logs that have been recorded since that date/time.
You're correct that the Time Shift on Diagram and the Signal Cycle Start Time have the same purpose in regards to an individual trip log. The difference between the two is that the Time Shift on Diagram is essentially advertised (by its name) to be an artificial offset introduced for display purposes, whereas the Signal Cycle Start Time is essentially advertised to reflect the results of the user's having either
- entered the Signal Cycle Start Time in GPS View: Clocks prior to recording the trip log, or
- performed the clock synchronization step prior to recording the trip log.
Think of it as a way of documenting your confidence in the trip log's offset on the arterial timings diagram. When I see a trip log with a nonzero Time Shift on Diagram, I know that I (or some other user) adjusted the offset artificially. Otherwise, if the clocks were synched and the signal timings are correct, I'm confident that the trip log trajectory is shown at its actual offset within the cycle.
Finally, when we have option to override recorded signal cycle start time in trip log properties window, why does that show different date and time for that particular trip log? I think it should have shown the recorded Signal Cycle Start Time for that Trip Log.
I agree with you (provided the clocks were synchronized when the trip log was recorded). I'll change that as well. Thank you for pointing that out. In the cases where the clocks weren't yet synchronized before recording the trip log, I'll continue to just initialize it to "now". Please note, however, that even after making this change, the value displayed here will not, in general, be a reliable indicator of the Trip Log's recorded Signal Cycle Start Time. That is, if someone has previously overridden the Trip Log's recorded Signal Cycle Start Time, then that overriding value will be the one displayed instead of the recorded value.