Hi, Andrea.
You're probably already aware of the troubleshooting steps at
http://www.tru-traffic.com/faq.htm#TTDR ... tersectionwhich can usually fix any of a number of possible causes for this problem. The User's Manual and the Help file also give these same troubleshooting steps, if you prefer those sources.
Those steps probably do not mention an additional consideration that applies only to the Plots from Trip Logs, which is that a plot is available in a given direction only if trip logs pass through the first intersection in that direction. The TT&D report analyzes trip logs that enter or depart midstream, but the plots can show only trip logs that enter at the first intersection (but may depart midstream). If this is the case, you may want to start by using the Arterial Outline View to duplicate the arterial diagram, accepting the offer to link the duplicated intersections. This in the duplicate diagram, delete the outlying intersections. After that, you should be able to generate plots for that truncated, duplicate arterial diagram.
This turned out to be problem in the case that briniker originally posted, which we resolved offline. But that case has an added twist: For some reason, the Network View is retaining an earlier, since-modified layout, with the result that it shows the trip log passing through #109 when in fact it bypasses #109. If you want to see this, while viewing #109 in the Network View (and possibly zoomed in to make it all more apparent), right-click on the Network View and choose Layout Grid with Geographic Coordinates. (This is one of the first steps prescribed in those troubleshooting instructions that I referenced). You'll see that the Network View was misleading you about just where #109 sits with respect to the trip log.
I've seen the Network View get in states like this, where its layout needs refreshing but doesn't do it automatically. I haven't been able to reproduce it at will to figure out why it doesn't fix automatically, so the annoyance persists in ver 10 and prior. Ver 11 will include some changes to reduce or, I hope, eliminate these refresh-required states.
If those steps and comments don't resolve everything, please let me know and send the .Dgm file.