Right now, whenever you save a diagram file "MainSt.Dgm", if there's an existing file by that name, the program first renames the existing file to "Backup of MainSt.Dgm", then saves your file. This gives you a means to revert back to the last-saved version, which can be especially welcome if something goes wrong in saving the new file. The program leaves the renamed file in the same folder with the same .Dgm extension so you'll be aware that it's available for recovery if needed. This approach has several problems:
- The "Backup of xxxxx.Dgm" type files tend to appear first in the alphabetical list of files in the folder where they're saved, and several users saw those first and got the impression that these are the files with the most recent changes, so they open the backup files instead. When they save the file again, they'd get a file "Backup of Backup of MainSt.Dgm", and the problem gets compounded.
Since the "Backup of xxxxx.Dgm" are in the same folder with the main files and retain the .Dgm extension, when you go to open a file, the list of files in the folder can get unnecessarily long and cluttered with all the backups. And with the backup files often getting listed first, one usually has to scroll to the end of the list to find the real file. Also, it's a bit too easy to click on the wrong file and open a backup by mistake.
The two principle aims of the backup file are that
- it be unobtrusive when not needed, and
it be readily identified and its purpose easily recognized when it is needed.
- My Documents\MainSt\AM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\MainSt\MD_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\MainSt\PM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\MainSt\~Backup of saved files~\AM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\MainSt\~Backup of saved files~\MD_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\MainSt\~Backup of saved files~\PM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\FirstAve\AM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\FirstAve\MD_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\FirstAve\PM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\FirstAve\~Backup of saved files~\AM_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\FirstAve\~Backup of saved files~\MD_Peak.Dgm
My Documents\FirstAve\~Backup of saved files~\PM_Peak.Dgm
Some of the candidate names are
- ~Backup of saved files~
~Last saved diagram duplicates~
~Backup diagrams~
~Backup files for recovery in emergency~
~Backup files for recovery from emergency~
~Backup files for emergency recovery~
~Backup files for reverting in emergency~
~Backup files for emergency reversion~
~Backup of last saved revision of files~
Which do you like the most?
Thanks for your comments.