Cell phone App.

Questions and discussions about requests for new features in future versions of Tru-Traffic

Moderator: bullock

Cell phone App.

Postby Bryan Meenen » Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:04 pm

With the proliferation of cell phones these days and the number of available satellites they can track. Is there any interest in developing an app for collecting GPS data? I am using a couple of different apps that will allow one second data collection and importing that data into tru-traffic. The data is more accurate than my older gps equipment collects. It has to be imported and thus flagged as imported even though it is a higher quality.
Bryan Meenen
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Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Cell phone App.

Postby bullock » Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:25 am

Thank you for the interesting comment and suggestion.

I had not put much thought into creating a cell phone app, as I assumed (or hoped) that there was already a suitable app available for collecting the data. I had not considered the disadvantage that the so-collected data would get marked implicitly as imported. I'll put more thought into this, now.

In the meantime, what apps have you found with 1-second resolution and good accuracy? Other users, and I, would value your recommendations.
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Re: Cell phone App.

Postby Bryan Meenen » Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:04 pm

We are currently testing two apps

Alpine Quest by: Psyberia https://www.alpinequest.net/
track_20170906_125731_pm DONE.xlsx
(328.93 KiB) Downloaded 3135 times

Travel Time and Delay Study by: Portable Studies (By Afemas LLC) http://www.portablestudies.com/
1300 S MAEB01.xlsx
A run from this morning
(94.06 KiB) Downloaded 3044 times

We have had good luck with both.

Bryan Meenen
Posts: 2
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Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Cell phone App.

Postby bullock » Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:22 pm

Thank you!

I forgot to mention: You can reduce the annoyance of the "Imported" labeling by turning off the warning in View: Preferences: Warnings: Trip Logs have an unverifiable source, for example, imported from a text file.
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