Hi Greg,
Advance warning flashers (AWF) are used in BC quite often to inform drivers when a signal is about to turn red. They look like so:
http://www.richmond.ca/__shared/assets/ ... op9567.jpg
Lets say that Phase 2 has a AWF on its approach.
The way a a traffic controller is programmed out in the field is that the Phase 2 YELLOW and RED outputs drive the flash relay forcing the AWF to start flashing. The signal head is driven by a Lagging Overlap A (Lag Overlap A's parent phase is phase 2). The lag time determines the delay time from when the AWF starts flashing to the time the actual signal head (driven by the overlap) turns yellow.
In Tru Traffic, when coordinating a signal with an AWF, I have to manually subtract the lag time of the overlap from the Offset given to me from Tru traffic to guarantee proper coordination out in the filed. (My offset is the Start of Yellow - I did not choose this, that's what the client wants).This would not be an issue if the reference point was Start of Green.
It would be nice if Tru-Traffic had an option to take this into consideration for the approaches. Not a big issue, just a thought.
DMD & Associates Ltd.