Intersection Phasing

Questions and discussions about requests for new features in future versions of Tru-Traffic

Moderator: bullock

Intersection Phasing

Postby Tejas Mehta » Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:15 pm

Hi Greg,

I have just started using TSPPD and many of the things I have mentioned below may already be a part of TSPPD and I may not be aware of it. Please let me know if that is the case.

I think it would be great to have the kind of ring-barrier designer feature similar to the one in SYNCHRO. This would lend great flexibility in the way complex phasings could be handled. Another great feature would be allowing more than one protected phase number for a given movement to facilitate overlap phasing.


Tejas Mehta

Postby bullock » Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:08 pm

Hi, Tejas.

Thank you very much for the suggestions.

TS/PP-Draft already has partial support of overlap phasing -- you can have two protected left-turn phases within a cycle. Alas, it can't handle more than one through phase in the cycle. I've added that to the wish list for a future version.

Let me make sure I understand what you mean by Synchro's ring-barrier designer feature. I have Synchro 5. Are you referring to the same splits editor in that version, or is it something new to version 6? TS/PP-Draft does have the "splits bar" similar to Synchro 5's, where you can drag a phase or a barrier to change the splits. But maybe you're referring to the spread sheet style of editing phase sequences and splits?

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Postby Chris » Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:36 pm

Hi Greg,

I know this has already been mentioned but I want to put another vote out there for it. It would be nice to bring up the same phase twice during one cycle. Right now I am using two, linked, half cyle intersections to show the two through phases for my one full cycle intersection. This works but makes the time space diagram look a little messy.

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Postby bullock » Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:43 pm

Thank you for the additional vote, Chris.

In the meantime, that's a clever way around the shortcoming. Others may benefit from your trick. Good job.

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