Trip Log plot

Questions and discussions about operating Tru-Traffic

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Trip Log plot

Postby Donald Bennett » Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:36 pm

I am trying to plot my trip log, but am only getting the first link in one direction. I have searched the help, but I cannot figure out why only the first link is showing up.
Donald Bennett
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Trip Log plot

Postby bullock » Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:19 pm

:idea: My guess is that the software thinks the trip log skips the third intersection.

Right-click on the Network View and choose "Layout Grid with GPS". Then right-click again and choose "Show Intersection Extents". Make sure your trip log is visible in the Network View. (To make it visible, check its box in the list of trip logs in the GPS Status View).

You should see the trip log and some small red circles around each node. The trip log should pass through each red circle. If it doesn't, the software thinks the trip log bypasses that intersection.

You may have to zoom in the Network View and the scroll to see the third intersection, but I'm expecting you'll see that the trip log passes outside the red circle.

If that's the case, then either the red circle is in the wrong location, or the red circle is not wide enough.

To solve the first problem, make sure your geographic coordinates are correct. If you got them from the GPS, make sure they're in pairs that straddle the center of the intersection. (If you took just one GPS reading, traveling in the east-bound direction, then the "center of the intersection" (red circle) will be too far south (in right-hand drive rule countries).

To solve the second problem, either (1) make sure you've got multiple readings for the geographic coordinates taken on diagonal opposites of the center of the intersection -- the farther the readings are apart, the larger the circle, or (2) make sure you've declared the correct number of lanes and lane widths at the intersection. You can cheat if necessary: declare a large number of lanes to artificially enlarge the red circle. Cheating on the number of lanes will adversely affect a platoon-progression diagram, but it won't harm a time-space diagram, a TT&D report, or a trip-log plot.

There's a topic in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the online help that deals with this problem, but from the wording of the question, you might not recognize its applicability at first:
"The TT&D report says that my recorded trip log stops before an intersection then resumes at the next intersection downstream." or "The TT&D report says that my trip log started at intersection X but it actually started at the previous intersection upstream."

Let me know if this doesn't solve it.

Last edited by bullock on Sun Oct 10, 2004 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Trip Logs

Postby Donald Bennett » Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:32 pm

OK, you were right, I only had one point for the interstion and it was on the west side, all the NB runs went through the east side. While on that sublect, how do I get the trip log to display the odd numbered runs?
Donald Bennett
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Trip Log plot

Postby bullock » Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:11 pm

The trip log plot shows runs in only one direction at a time. The direction is determined by the first trip log selected. So if the first selected trip log is NB, then only the NB runs from all selected trip logs will be plotted.

In this case, to plot the SB runs, make sure the first trip log you select for plotting is a SB trip log. You may need to resort the list to ensure that a SB trip log is at the top. Click one of the column header buttons to sort the list.

A future version will allow you to split a multi-run trip log into separate trip logs to give you more control. If you need to split trip logs sooner, let me know. I might be able to do that for you.
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Postby bullock » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:33 pm

Starting with version 7.0, you don't need to select the direction of travel for the trip log plot. With 7.0, when you click to create trip log plots, it automatically creates two plots, one for each direction of travel. So all runs in all selected trip logs get plotted, in one plot or the other, every time.
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