Having problems using TSPP Software

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Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:32 pm

Hello Folks,

I have two main questions to ask. I posted a message before about having problems connection GPS with TSPP software. I have Garmin 18 GPS reciever which connects perfectly using Franson GPS Gate Serial port emulator. I am able to track the GPS continuously and the status shows tracking all the time. But, when I start logging the trips, it runs for 2 or 3 seconds and says stopped recording the trip log due to GPS receiver was interrupted. I really don't see any of the reasons it gives are being a cause to get this message. Everything is perfectly working, even the status shows tracking. But every time I start recording trips, I get this message. There is a tolerance limit I can set in 'options'. But that is of no use. I tried to increase it, but it doesn't wait for that long. And, the user manual says, information flow resumes after an interruption, but that is not happening. It totally stops the trip after this message pops up.

I would like to know what causes this problem and why it does not resume the information automatically after the interruption.

My another question is, once I logged the trip, I should be able to operate travel time & delay report and plot icons in tool bar. I see them in grey. Why is that?

Could anyone please help me.

Last edited by Mallikarjuna on Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:18 pm

I would like to know what causes this problem and why it does not resume the information automatically after the interruption.

That's weird. When you click to start recording the trip log, does the GPS status window already show a fix for the GPS receiver? I understand that it shows the GPS is connected, but does it also show a valid latitude and longitude?

My another question is, once I logged the trip, I should be able to operate travel time & delay report and plot icons in tool bar. I see them in grey. Why is that?

My guess is that your intersections don't yet have geographic coordinates assigned to them. But there are other possible causes to this problem. The Frequently Asked Questions page gives some detailed steps for diagnosing this problem in general. Please see http://www.tsppd.com/faq.htm#TTDReportM ... tersection. Usually the easiest way to assign coordinates to the intersection is using Google Earth. I'll post a separate topic giving some more tips on doing that.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:17 pm

Hello Greg,

Thank you for the fast reply. When I start the trip log, GPS status window does show valid positions and also when it stops recording trips. I have already set up coordinates for all intersections from Google Earth. The distances between the intersections are also calculated. For testing purpose, we had also gone out to record the trips. we had the same problem. Now I am sitting at my office and putting GPS at the window where it has strong reception, still having the same problem. I am not able to resolve it. I did go through the FAQs page following someone's suggestions in User Forum, but I did not see any useful tips for this problem. In fact, someone has already posted my second question which is that icon problem, but the person who replied to that question has redirected to the same FAQs page. But I did not see the solution.

Please take a look at this problem and let me know if you have a solution. We are using this software for New York City DOT. I need to be familiarized with this before we go out for the field study.

Thank you very much.
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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:50 pm

Regarding the second problem, with the icon, I do believe the resolution to the problem is in that FAQ topic. Would you send me the file in question? Either email it to me or upload it to the forum as an attachment.

Regarding the first problem, I don't yet know what could be causing that. While the GPS is tracking, would you copy the text from the GPS Diagnostics tab and send it to me. It's the text that's scrolling by rapidly while you're connected to the GPS. If necessary, you may need to stop the tracking so the text will stop scrolling and you can more easily copy it to the clipboard.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:25 pm

Hello Greg,

I will take a look at the second question in that FAQs again. I am hereby sending you the DGM file that I am working on. FOllowing is the text from diagnostic window.



Please let me know if you find anything wrong..

Thank you
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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:35 pm

Hello Greg,

Sorry, I could not attach my file along with my previous post. The forum software is not letting me to upload any extensions. Please let me know how I can I send it to you.

Thank you
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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:46 pm

Thank you, Arjun.

I see what you mean about the dgm extension not being accepted for uploading an attachment. I'll look into that problem. In the meantime, would you email the .dgm file to me? My email address is in the Help: About box.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:08 pm

Hello Greg,

I will send it to you right now. Thank you very much for your help.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:35 pm

Hi, Arjun.

The email has not yet arrived, but I think the problem is now fixed so you can upload it as an attachment to the forum, if you don't mind trying that again. Otherwise, we'll wait until the email arrives.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:57 pm

Hi, Arjun.

The emailed file arrived.

It appears that there is no contiguous trip log that passes through more than one intersection. Instead, there are many short fragments of trip logs, some passing through a single intersection, others just floating midblock and not passing through any intersection.

I'm curious how this happened?

If the time gap between the trip log fragments is not too great, the software will let you join them together to make one long trip log. In the list of trip logs, use Ctrl or Shift to select two trip log fragments, then right-click and choose Join Trip Logs at the bottom of the pop-up menu. You'll have to repeat this about 20 times, as there are so many fragments.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:18 pm

Hello Greg,

This happened because as soon as I started recording trips the software used to stop recording it. It was complaining about GPS interruptions as I talked about earlier. I was not able to record full trip. It used to stop after we drive about 100/200 feet. There are many trip logs because I kept on recording it when it stops. I noticed that the software did not automatically resume logging the trip after the interruption occurred.

At present I am trying opening a new file with a sample of 2 intersections. I have assigned current positions to both the intersections. But, when I connect to GPS and start recording trips (when GPS is stationary), I am still getting the same problem. GPS is connected properly and software shows that it is tracking, but the message pops up after sometime saying that 'Stoped recording trips due to GPS interruption'.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:09 pm

Thank you, Arjun.

It will take me some time to trace that recording interruption problem -- a few days or possibly even a few weeks. I may end up sending you a diagnostics version to give more detailed information about why the interruptions are occurring.

In the meantime, do you have access to another GPS receiver? The one from Pharos (which is also the one Microsoft distributes with their own logo with Street & Trips with GPS Locator) is inexpensive generally reliable.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:52 pm

Hello Greg,

Sorry for the late reply. I am not in office actually.

About the GPS, I will have to try another GPS. I still have not purchased Pharos GPS reciever. It was not available in Bestbuy or Staples. I had to order that online. Since the one I am using did not have any connection problems, I did not think of buying another one.

I think this is something to do with Franson GPS Gate which is acting as an interface between TS/PP Software and GPS. But I still do not understand, GPS gate shows green (means, Connected and receives valid position) even during the software stops recording trip.

Please take your time to fix this problem. In the meantime, I will try another GPS and see if that works fine.

Thank you
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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby bullock » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:25 pm

Thank you for the follow up, Arjun.

I believe the Pharos (or Microsoft) will work without trouble. All the same, I would like to resolve the problem with using your current GPS receiver through Franson's GpsGate. I've emailed to you a link where you can download a diagnostics version of TS/PP-Draft. When you run it, and the trip log recording gets interrupted, it will log some detailed information to a file that will help us figure out what's causing the interruptions.

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Re: Having problems using TSPP Software

Postby Mallikarjuna » Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:30 pm

Hello Greg,

I received the diagnostic version of TS/PP software. I am installing it now. I will send you the log file once I tested with it.

Our company has ordered different GPS. It is not a pharos GPS. I do not know why did not they order it. They have ordered Deluo GPS for laptop. Another consultant used this GPS with TS/PP Software and they told our company that it worked without any problems. It comes with USB port. I still do not know how could they connect to TS/PP software. It not yet clear that they used Franson GPS gate as an interface. Does TS/PP accept USB connection directly without Franson GPS Gate?

Here is the link to that GPS. http://www.deluoelectronics.com/customer/119-Deluo_USB_GPS_for_Laptop#detailed_images

Could you please let me know if this GPS works fine with TS/PP Software.

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