Hello Mr. Greg,
I have a couple of questions to ask. I discussed with my colleagues if they could find any tricks to resolve this problem. But, We really couldn't get around this problem. So I hope you might have some solutions.
First Question:
I have a simple signalized intersection with 4 approaches which is located in the middle of the arterial that we are working on. The arterial actually turns right (southbound) or turns left(Northbound) at this intersection. So when I want to enter timing plan for this intersection, the through movement is actually the right turn movement (Southbound) or left turn movement (Northbound). I can't use offset reference point at the start of the through movement. Instead I will have to use "start of right turn movement/left turn movement". But, I can't specify that in the software. How can I set the the offset reference point if I have a situation like this? If you think it is good idea for you to look at the intersection diagram, please let me know. I will send it to you.
Second question:
In intersection properties window and timing plan tab, why do we have two left turns for all approaches? and why don't we have right turns?. We have situations where the right turn is allowed only on green. How do we model that? .
Third question:
We have recently conducted a travel time and delay runs and got some trips from the study area. We have also got existing signal timing plans from Local DOT for all intersections in the corridor. We followed the procedure that you mentioned in the manual to synchronize the System clock to Signal clock. We did that before we start our trip logs. We have the current signal timing entered and the trip logs for the corridor we are working on. We see trip logs are still running through red band at certain intersections. I don't know whether to believe trip logs or timing plans. I think the trip logs are OK as we saw the signal lights turning green when we approach the location. But, the timing plan says it is supposed to be green. We also can't say the DOT has given us wrong timing plans. We made sure the offsets and timings are OK. So, what might be the cause for this problem?
Hope I am clear on my questions. Please let me know if something confusing you.
Thank you