User-Defined Report Columns

Questions and discussions about operating Tru-Traffic

Moderator: bullock

User-Defined Report Columns

Postby mtaylor » Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:41 pm

What a great revision 7. The User-Defined Repot Columns really make work easy in being able to user-define your own areas of interest. One item of interest is taking the cumulative delay (CD) and converting it to an average intersection delay by deviding CD by CLN (cumulative number of links in run). This allows Exhibit 16-2 in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) to be used and to estimate a level-of-service (LOS) for corridor being evaluated. A user defined column was created called DPerInt which is "CD/CLN". The box is checked saying "This formula is already an accumulation implicitly". Then, another formula is created called "LOSDelay". The equation used is: If(DperInt<=10,1,if(DperInt<=20,2,if(DperInt<=35,3,if(DperInt<=55,4,if(DperInt<=80,5,6))))). This is taking Exhibit 16-2 in the 2000 HCM and applying a LOS to the report. The only problem is that TS/PP-Draft does not allow "letters" in the "IF" logic, so numbers are used instead. "1" indicates LOS A, "2" indicates LOS B, "3" indicates LOS C, "4" indicates LOS D, "5" indicates LOS E, and "6" indicates LOS F.
Mark Taylor, P.E.
Signal Systems Engineer
Utah Dept. of Transportation
(801) 887-3714
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:17 pm
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Postby bullock » Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:01 am

Thanks very much, Mark, for the nice words and for creating and donating the very helpful user-defined columns for the TT & D reports.

A file with your new report columns can be downloaded at

Users may add these new columns by View: Preferences: Layout: T T & D Report, then right-click on the list of columns and choose "Merge user-defined columns...."

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